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Nelly Edwards is a giant-haired, spectacularly middle-aged, questionably 'talented' artist. Right now she's (almost certainly wearing pyjamas) squirreled away in a crumbling old house located in the leafy armpit of West Berkshire's finest countryside.

It's fair to say that 99.9% of Nelly's life is based around art in one way or another.

When she's not sticking tiny bits of paper to other slightly-bigger bits of paper, or getting covered in glue, glitter and/or paint, Nelly can be found hugging cats and dogs, or drawing cats and dogs, or working in a local art gallery - where mostly she sells pictures of cats and dogs. 

When you buy a piece of art from Nelly you make her sentimental heart happy - she smiles, stares off into the distance and thinks about how lucky she is to be living her childhood dream - not the one where she was Miss Marple, or the one where she was Mildred Hubble..or the one where she was a champion show jumping horse - but the one where people paid her to make pictures, so thanks, you're very kind

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“It’s never too late to be what you might have been”

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Interested in learning more about me, my work or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Feel free to reach out anytime, I would be more than happy to chat.

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©2022 by Nelly Edwards Illustration.

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